Thursday, March 25, 2010

i'm horrid!

Girls Myspace Comments is it?? is it b'coz of u??? nah..not much~
i'm horrid coz i'm been followed by this indian guy wif sunglasses,red shirt n huge belly~ i'm wif my bro last monday, he's dying to watch alice (n_n)".. n its so much fun when u can watch d movie in d cinema, wif nobody around heheh..even if there is, it juz 1 or 2 fam only ;p
so we went to jj after d movie, it juz across d street only~ while we r at d carpark, about to enter tis jj, i felt uneasy n when i turned back, there's this indian man right behind my back-so close man- so i ignored him n rush into jj. weird to me, after a while, we'r going up on d escalator n there he was right behind my back again!!
later on maybe he knew that i noticed him, he went somewhere else. so i took my bro quickly to the shop n after a while, i turned my back n saw him again!! gosh~
we spent like almost half an hour in d shop n decided to go back.. while we r on our way back, i saw this guy again waiting for us at the bridge. how am i suppose to go back without crossing the bridge??? i cant cross d street juz like tat, i'm wif my bro! so i ignored him n pass by him, n thank God there's many people around. But the bad news is that he's still following T_T.
so we quickly ran inside n when i'm at the lower level, i saw him upstairs. I gave him the most hatred look he deserved n i kept staring till he's gone
then we sat at the crowd n later then decided to go back.
n it such a relief being home~~~

Friday, March 5, 2010

slamber badak air

kenape slamber badak ayak??? wa pon tatau.. ape yg aq tau, 2 adelah ayt aq tyme skola2 dlu (n_n)v
n ape yg aq benar2 aq tau adelah aq exm company law malam ni!!!! aduyai...
company law adalah killer subject~ T_T
aq musykil- aq faham je + ske gak subject ni
tp msh kurang berjaya mencairkn hati lecturer ku yg comei tu huhu~
ape pon..gambate!!!! moga aq sukses cam equity n trust!
Girls Myspace Comments

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

life like this~

Love Myspace Comments yg anda dial tidak terdapat dlm perkhidmatan kami...sila jgn cube lagi...tq (n_n)v

Moshi Moshi = )

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